Roundup of 2017 Presentations, and what’s next for 2018?

I’ve listed out some of my key speaking engagements for 2017. I am sure that I’ve done more events but this is a good start – often I am so busy that I drop things very quickly after I’ve ticked the box and done it. I’ve noted that I’m speaking to larger audiences over the years, but I’m doing less speaking events overall because I just simply can’t do all of the events that I’d like to do, so I’ve had to focus better.

I’ve also diversified the locations of my presentations. I was delighted to go to Dubai to present, and I will be doing more over in the Gulf this year. I’m doing a session just before Christmas, and I’ll release more details about that event shortly. I’m also lining up more events in the Gulf next year, because I had such a great experience speaking in Dubai recently. I spoke at a private event in Singapore earlier this year and I’ve been invited back for 2018, and hopefully I can do one of the data or SQL Server meetups. I’ve also been invited back to Jersey for a more indepth session, and I’ll be glad to do that, too.

For 2018, I’m hoping to do more large events and to do more online sessions as well. My recent Python webinar was very well received and I like the longevity of having sessions up on YouTube.


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